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    England Riots … Arab Spring in reverse…

    Tweet UK riots…. Arab Spring in reverse … or is it? The British unrest spread to cities including Manchester, Salford, Liverpool, Nottingham and Birmingham, with shops being looted and set alight. Images of young men and women in the street smashing business, cars and anything that they can lay their hand on. who are those people and why are toppling their beautiful city, I don’t know exactly, but I can tell you that those are not the same people who a few month ago went to the same streets to see the royal wedding. Experts and laymen start wondering why are young British are angry and rioting all of the…

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    The Baltagiya…

    Tweet Welcome to post revolution Egypt the wonder land of “Baltagiya”. The word Baltagiya (thugs/mercenaries) comes from the Turkish Balta (axe) followed by the regional postfix “-jia” or “-gia” , means axe-wielders. And that what they do, they axe and disrupt social activities for higher. They don’t have a political views or platform, they are anti views of any sorts, and their platform is always the street. Something like the Tea party here, they are not for anything, but against everything. Baltagiya have long been used by members of Egypt’s ruling party since the Turkish ruler in Egypt, but especially during Mubarak 30 years of dictatorship, there were his goon-squads…


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