Islam and Good Governance, A Political Philosophy of Ihsan, Book Review.
Islam and Good Governance:
A Political Philosophy of Ihsan
Professor Muhammad Abdul Muqtedar Khan is a well-established Muslim scholar who cites the hadith that Allah has commanded Ihsan in all things, in his new book Islam and Good Governance: A Political Philosophy of Ihsan, and asks so why not in politics?
Ihsan: Generally, it means doing things excellently, beautifully, and charitably. In the famous hadith (record of words and actions of Muhamad), where Gabriel asks Prophet Muhamad what ihsan is, he replied that it means “to worship God as though you see Him, and if you cannot see Him, then indeed He sees you” (reported in the two canonical collections of Al-Bukhari and Al-Muslim; see also Khan 2019). Here, the meaning of worship extends beyond rituals and prayers. ” Researchgate
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