I didn’t come from a shithole nation; I came from a shithole regime!

According to Trump, I come from a shithole country, a country with more than five thousand years of civilization and history. It’s one of only two countries in the history of the world, besides China, that has kept its border intact, never invading another country, and unlike America, never used its army as aggressor against other countries. Against their own people yes, I’ll give you that, thanks to the America’s man in Egypt, General el-Sisi, with the worst shithole dictatorship and shithole generals who have been running Egypt for more than 60 years. Those generals look at Egypt as their inheritance from colonial masters; a military regime that acts as landlord treating their own people as second-class citizens renting the land from them in return for complete obedience and submission. Even after the most impressive revolution in human history, millions of people rose against tyranny and dictatorship.  This shithole regime has been supported, financed, and armed by the American administrations regardless of having a white or black president, Republican or Democrat.`

In the Arab world, we have many countries that are run by shithole regimes and leaders. Algeria is run by a very sick old president who can’t even change his own diaper. Tunisia brought out a leader from the Habib Bourguiba grave to put the country together. No one knows who runs what is left of Libya, thanks to NATO bombs and deceit. A backward monarchy runs Morocco and Jordan, and Saudi Arabia is now run by a prince with an adolescent temper!  who think starving the nation of Yemen is cool. All are supported by the American military and administration.

General el-Sisi of Egypt marched into the presidential palace riding an American tank, and now he is becoming the new Qaddafi of Egypt, turning the army and police into his own militias and transforming the Egyptian Parliament, justice system, and press to whorehouses. The country has a court system that sends people to their execution or incarceration without proper legal representation. From forced virginity tests, to forced disappearances, the paranoid el-Sisi is violating every human right in the book, with the blessing of the American Military Industrial Complex and international arm dealers .

During a visit to Trump after his military coup, el-Sisi admired the American President’s ability do the impossible. All Trump had to say to the worst dictator Egypt has ever produced: “Love your shoes, boy, those shoes man.” The last time an American president spoke in Iraq, he had a shoe thrown at him.

There were naturally a large number of knee jerk reactions to our 45th President’s latest potty-mouthed outburst concerning immigrants from non-white countries. Reports surfaced that he had characterized people coming to the United States from “shithole countries” while discussing immigrants from El Salvador, Haiti and African countries. A congressional hearing later attempted to figure out what the orange elephant in the room actually said.

Before and even since he came to office, Trump has been insulting women, people of color, non-white folks, whose only fault was the color of their skin. These people came from non-white countries that were destroyed, exploited, attacked, and turned into shitholes by the civilized white country that colonized, invaded or militarized them.

No liberal protested or cared much when their Guest who is Coming for Dinner star,  when the Ayatollah of relibral, Obama had executed the most right wing policy domestically and internationally, giving trillions of dollars to  big banks and wall street Jihadists, wagging wars in half dozen nations, sending his killing machines drones to assassinate and kill whoever on his own killing list fatwa. When the racist Trump took the lid off his potty mouth, removing the mask, the charade of our racist system. now everyone is up in arms trying to run for cover, knowing that the problem is not with the orange clown outside, rather the real problem is the political circus inside; the system is the culprit.

You can say all you want about the juvenile, childish, ignorant, xenophobic, Islamophobic Trump, but the orange elephant in the room has been exposing everyone, exposing the hypocrisy of our country that brought a racist and alleged sexual assault perpetrator to the highest office in the land in the first place.

This is a country that still mistreats blacks and immigrants, has a police and justice system that is a shithole for racism, and a wide Islamophobic culture that has been treating Muslims as second-class citizens for decades. A country also that is still waging war against non-white nations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, and Iran.

When America looks at Donald Trump it sees itself. When America looks in the mirror, it sees a racist who exposes everyone. This infuriates a lot of people who see their own hypocrisy as liberals and civilized white Christians who are guilty of letting their system get away with murder.

This is a system that not only incarcerates millions of young black men inside, but, according to human rights organizations and the Physicians for Social Responsibilities (PSR), has killed four million Muslims since 9/11, most in the afore-mentioned wars.

The reaction to Trump’s own epithet was mostly waged by keyboard jihadists on social media; lots of jokes, tweets and feel-good venting on Twitter and Facebook. Despite the uproar, outrage and widespread condemnation, however, it is most noteworthy that the response was not raised against the policies in our own racist institutions, or by a U.S foreign policy that is dominated by a military industrial complex waging wars against nations of color, installing and supporting their shithole regimes.  In a democratic countries, you get the government that you deserve, but in my part of the of the undemocratic world, we get shithole governments.

Ahmed Tharwat is the Producer and Host of the Arab-American TV show BelAhdan. His articles are published in national and international publications. He blogs at Notes from America, WWW.ahmediatv.com follow him on Twitter @ahmediatv

 Trump, Jerusalem declaration .. 



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