Tweet Muslim women living in the West are attacked in the streets, supermarkets, buses, and football games, just for wearing the hijab. In France, Muslim students are denied education for wearing hijabs, last week a 15-year-old Muslim student was banned from school for wearing a long black skirt, “seen as openly religious for the secular…
All posts tagged Islamic dress
The Hijab… ! My Family and Me
Tweet Hijab, the traditional Islamic head cover, has triggered lots of discussion and debate in the west for years, The west has been paying so much attention to Muslim women’s dress than Muslim women’s mind. Muslim women’s hijab comes in so many different sizes, colors and styles, depending on the country, person and culture, from…
Egypt First Lady… one of many firsts!
TweetOn June 24, Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood Freedom and Justice Party was named the winner of the Egyptian presidential election. He is the first civilian elected president in Egypt’s long history. Morsi also is the first Islamist to get to the presidential palace, and the first Egyptian president with the name Mohammed as…