The Legacy Camp David Accords
On October 29, former President Jimmy Carter, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate and the longest-living American president, passed away at 100., four days after Egypt celebrated President Sadat’s 1006 anniversary, December 25th, 1918. While the media and pundits hail Carter who came to the white house from the deep South to restore trust in American leadership after Watergate, is praised by the media and pundits as a man of integrity, and a humanitarian giant. as a man of integrity, and humanitarian giant. His presidency also marked a pivotal moment in Middle Eastern politics: the Camp David Accords of 1978. Hailed in the West as a triumph of diplomacy, the agreement between Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin aimed to establish peace and stability in the region.
If Obama can solve racism in this country with a beer drink,
Carter can solve the Middle East crisis in a camp.