• Blog

    Dear America, “Let My Mosque Go”

    Tweet Dear America, “Let My Mosque Go” According to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), “American mosques and Islamic centers have been the targets of vandalism, harassment and anti-Muslim bigotry at least 63 times this year”. So many Americans mistake mosques for churches; Mosques aren’t churches, and they don’t function like one. Mosques are open for everyone, no membership or affiliation required, they don’t check your id at the gate. On Sundays mosques unlike churches, are the most divers place in America. US Today reported that according to a census of U.S. mosques the overall number of mosques in America are 2,106 in 2010 … the study also found that: “•States…

  • Blog,  Top Ten List

    Top 10 things Americans should know about Muslims in 2016.

    Tweet This is a public service, so please share, do your part, if you see something share something …and one more thing, you can add your own!! Top 10 list of things Americans should know about Muslims in 2016.,,, # 10. Saying “Allah Akbar” isn’t a terrorist alert. 9. Hummus is a food, not an organization 8. It is “Muslim” people not “Islamic” people, Islamic for things only. 7. We don’t have a special insight about terrorism. 6. We just don’t eat pork, nothing personal. 5. Not all Muslim women refrain from shaking hands with men…go for it 4. We don’t have to apologize for every freaking crazy Muslim. 3.…


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