BelAhdan Movie Night Hosted by, The Film Society of MPLS/St.Paul



BelAhdan invites you to our night of film and friends…
Free Showing of a film documentary by Abdel Messeh,
a French filmmaker of Egyptian origin.
“The Virgin, the Copts and Me”
A kick Start event for Ahmed Tharwat’s project
New Film Documentary “The Coptic Grave”….

The Program

Carolyn Greene, MC (Marketing Plus International)
A poem by Sid Ahmed
A guest of Honor (Surprise)
A word from Ahmed Tharwat /The Coptic Grave project
BelAhdan TV piece “The Bread”
Q&A from audience
Egypt Trivia
Game and Prizes
The Virgin, The Copts, and Me
Post Film Discussion
Sweet & Tea
The showing is free, but to guarantee your seating please reply by Yes and indicate how many people in your party.
Please share and spread the flyer

For more information contact Ahmed at

Thank You…
Sponsors Programs available (if interested contact Ahmed at
Volunteer Needed (if interested please Contact Mark Dezile) at

Our Special Thanks to St. Anthony Main Theater for hosting our event

Thank You..




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AhMedia احا صحافه