Thousands of Muslims take-a-knee at US Bank Stadium, in the Super Eid celebration

Muslims Celebrated the Super Eid at US Bank Football Stadium (Video)

On a beautiful, chilly August morning, thousands of Muslims here in Minnesota headed to, of all places, the US Bank football stadium. There they gathered in the tens of thousands to celebrate what was coined as “Super” Eid. The Eid al Adha (feast of sacrifice) commemorates the story of Abraham and his son Ishmael (let us not get picky on which son), who was to be sacrificed until God replaced him with a sheep. On this celebratory day, thousands of Muslims descended from everywhere by cars, buses, light rail, even on foot, dressed in their colorful cloths unapologetically celebrating their traditions and costumes.

Continue reading Thousands of Muslims take-a-knee at US Bank Stadium, in the Super Eid celebration


Honoring The National Anthem.. and Other Horror Stories!

Ahmed Tharwat

Im going to say this and maybe regret it later, I don’t go to live sporting events in America; football, baseball or basketball,it is not so much because of the smell of hotdogs and beer or the fact that sport here appears more entertainment than being competitive, where people go mainly to consume food and the sport itself, regardless of winning or losing.

The concept of a sports fan hasn’t been fully introduced in professional sports yet. A fan is someone who supports a team and hates other teams, he/she acts as if his/her life depends on it, when his team plays, there is no time to drink, eat or watch the replays on big screen TVs.

Continue reading Honoring The National Anthem.. and Other Horror Stories!
