TweetLet’s Talk about Race! When Mr. Schultz founder of Starbucks asked America to have a conversation about race nobody was interested in, the rich white billionaire explained why his “Race Together “camping failed. “”I’m not black, I haven’t lived a life in which I was racially profiled, and I wasn’t discriminated against because of the…
All posts tagged race
The GOP is becoming KKK without the HOODS!! Prof. David Schultz
My Race Conversation at Starbucks was Decaffeinated!
Tweet As racially-charged tragedies unfolded in communities across the country, the chairman and ceo of Starbucks didn’t remain a silent bystander. Howard Schultz voiced his concerns with partners (employees) in the company’s Seattle headquarters and started a discussion about race in America. Howard Schultz is the CEO of Starbucks, a coffee company that as…