Why Ahed won’t get the Nobel Peace Prize like Malala..!!

Why Ahed won’t get the Nobel Peace Prize like Malala..!!

The gruesome images of the arrest of young Palestinian children by Israeli forces have been with us for years which increased since the first intifada of 1987. However, the arrest of the 16-year-old Palestinian, Ahed Tamimi was a reckoning symbol of Palestinian resistance to the Israeli occupation and the harsh treatment of the Palestinians. The image of her arrest, a young brave child, surrounded by the scorch of Israeli soldiers with full gears, looks like a seen from the force of evil and good epic movie. He arrest video went viral on social media and got lots of attentions in the Arab world, however it didn’t get as much attention here in the western media and  Trumpland America was busy with holidays shopping
Ahed, was protesting the shooting, in the head, of her 14 year old cousin by Israeli soldiers in a raid on their home, which ended up with her mother and cousin being arrested. The overwhelming force that Israeli soldiers use to humiliate Palestine children has been documented by UN and human rights organizations, but has never got the attention that the young Pakistani Malala got.

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