Average Mohamed ‘s Jihad against ISIS … Cartoons!

AverageMohamed.com was set up to talk plainly to Humanity. The issue of extremism is one that directly affects us all. I have waited for a constructive logical argument that can reach average people. It has dawned on me that it will take an average guy. It is an average guy who turns average people into extremists. It will take all of us average people to tell them other wise. My mission is simply create a counter ideology with your help and input. Give average parents who deal with their average kids and clergy talking points that can help with theological or even logical talking points countering falsehood propagated by extremists. I live happily in the greatest place a person can call home, amongst a people who cherish peace and offer people like me unparralled oportunity to achieve as much as I want to. It is in their name and that of my children and the right to free speech I do this.


Top Ten Signs that you may have been radicalized

Law enforcement launched CVE, Counter Violent Extremism programs that use a scale to measure signs of how Muslims get radicalized

here are Top Ten Signs that you may have been radicalized:

#10 . you missed shaving your beard more than 5 days

#9. You had Falafel and Humus at same time in breakfast

#8. Stop buying deodorants that has alcohol in them

#7. Didn’t watch the American Sniper film!

#6. Don’t stand during national anthem at Baseball games

#5. Asking for Halal beer at bars …

#4. Start praying at mosque during weekdays

#3. Doing a “woduoa” at public bathroom

#2. Calling your siblings brothers

and the #1 sign that you have been radicalized is

#1. You use your hijab as a Cell phone holder

please if you experience more than one of these sign call you nearest mosque or school they are working with law enforcement to help you with the de-radicalization process! It is free!
