Tweet Muslim AMericans unapologetically celebrated Eid Al Aladha , N. E Minneapolis Community Center… how they celebrated, their reaction to Trump racist comments about colored people .. a EId message to President Trump. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”60″ gal_title=”Eid al Adha”]
All posts tagged Muslims Americans
Average Mohamed ‘s Jihad against ISIS … Cartoons!
Tweet was set up to talk plainly to Humanity. The issue of extremism is one that directly affects us all. I have waited for a constructive logical argument that can reach average people. It has dawned on me that it will take an average guy. It is an average guy who turns average people…
Top Ten Signs that you may have been radicalized
TweetLaw enforcement launched CVE, Counter Violent Extremism programs that use a scale to measure signs of how Muslims get radicalized here are Top Ten Signs that you may have been radicalized: #10 . you missed shaving your beard more than 5 days #9. You had Falafel and Humus at same time in breakfast #8. Stop…