They said a sheep would spend its entire life fearing the wolves, only to be eaten by the Shepperd at the end.! I grew up in a county where military generals came to power and ruled for a long time, weaning Sheppard cloth. They warned us of the wolves larking around the corner. After the military coup of 1952, Nasser made us fear the wolves of western imperialism and Zionism, then Communism wolves was a Sadat thing. During Mubarak, the wolf was the change; stability was a virtue. General el-Sisi came to power on a tank to protect Egyptians from the new wolves’ Muslim brotherhoods. Egyptians always, however, ended up eaten by Shepperd. el-Sisi became a Zionist capitalist who is now eating anyone standing in his way, including his supporters. American history is full of wolves,  where Americans are asked to fear  blacks, communism, the Chinese, Muslim immigrants, refugees, and others. Now, we are made to believe that the biggest problem facing America is Trump, the new wolf.

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