Tweet Muslims are imposing their Sharia on America,” you hear it everywhere, not just from right-wing nuts, but from politicians, talk show hosts, and TV pundits. This irrational fear of Muslims and Islamic Sharia doesn’t transcend to the secular Sharia of these big tech companies, Google (one nation under Google), Amazon, Apple, and Facebook. WHich…

President Trump, Anti-Muslim Videos and the danger of Fake Threat!

President Trump, Anti-Muslim Videos and the danger of Fake Threat!

Tweet  WASHINGTON — President Trump touched off another racially charged furor on Wednesday by sharing videos from a fringe British ultranationalist group purportedly showing Muslims committing acts of violence, a move that was swiftly condemned by Britain’s prime minister as well as politicians across the spectrum. The videos Mr. Trump retweeted were titled: “Muslim migrant beats up Dutch…


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