Time for Arab Dictators to look for a second career!!


Time for Arab Dictators to find a second career!!The Arab Spring in eight years forced six Arab dictators prematurely from their jobs, Bouteflika of Algeria and Al Bashir of Sudan in just one month. Arab Dictators have a heck of a time handling their imposed early retirements, too much time and nothing to do. In a democratic world, leaders usually get a job review after a few years if qualify they stay another term or two, then once they leave office, they have to explore their options and develop different skills. Some, like President black Obama running around preaching effective ways to cope with whites establishments, Carter, go into humanitarian work to do all the things they couldn’t do while in office. Others, like Clinton, go on a talking circuit to recoup all the money they spent on litigation while in office. Others go back to the private sector as lobbyists or consultants to make hard-earned government experience available for a price.

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What if Arab dictators had a second career!

Arab dictators

Notes From America:
Time for Arab dictators to find a second career!!
The Arab Spring in the last four years or so forced a few Arab dictators prematurely from their jobs, where they have a heck of a time handling their imposed retirements. In a democratic world, leaders usually get a job review after a few years then once they leave office they have to explore their options and develop different skills. Some, like President Carter, go into humanitarian work to do all the things they couldn’t do while in office. Others, like Clinton, go on a talking circuit to recoup all the money they spent on litigation while in office, or Blair, who has gone on tour like a political mercenary. Others go back to the private sector as lobbyists or consultants to make hard-earned government experience available for a price. Most go on to write obligatory presidential memoirs full of biographical information that no one reads.
However, Arab leaders don’t have this luxury; their job is for life and don’t really learn a marketable skill other than oppressing and controlling their respective populations and it is not the sort of thing that an ex-dictator usually puts on a resume. They never get a chance to explore their other personal potential. This limits their chance in the job market once they leave office, which usually ends due to an act of God, or a human act, like assassination, or a coup. There are a few jobs opening for an ex-dictator. Which makes it hard to pursuit a second career. So what if Arab dictators had to find a second career? Well, let’s pandered on that, shall we?

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