Muslims are imposing their Sharia on America,” you hear it everywhere, not just from right-wing nuts, but from politicians, talk show hosts, and TV pundits. This irrational fear of Muslims and Islamic Sharia doesn’t transcend to the secular Sharia of these big tech companies, Google (one nation under Google), Amazon, Apple, and Facebook. WHich control now everything we do our movement, our inner feeling, and the most intimate behaviors as the Guardian reported in its review of Shoshana Zuboff book, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism.
After years of anticipation and lengthy debate, Facebook just announced that it would have an independent panel, act as an Oversight Board, a group of experts to monitor issues and contents that may be controversial. As “Wired reported, “Think of the Oversight Board as kind of a Supreme Court of Facebook, the top court of appeal on what goes down and remains on the News Feed and Instagram.” The Oversight Board is the jurors who will have the final judgment, and their site says—ensuring respect for free expression through independent judgment.
What is interesting is that the 20 members of the Board have one Muslim, activist Tawakkol Karman, the face of the Yemeni Arab Spring revolt, and 2011 winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Tawakkol Karman is facing targeted criticism even from pro-Saudi, and UAE news sites and social media. Reported MEE. This mostly for political reasons and tribal jealousy. The west criticism of having a Muslim on the Facebook Oversight Board, usually based on irrational fear, phobia of Muslims, and Sharia laws.