… a Somali Mall Visit … Suuqa Karmel, it is a communal Mall

Somali Mall 2

Negotiation at the Somali Mall…
I took my Jacket to the Somali Mall for some repair, I didnt know excatly where it was, but you can’t miss it, it is where lots of Somalies gathering chatting laughing, cars lining up to get into through the gate, every car in front refused to get into the underground parking, a passenger in the car gets out and remove the orange cones to go through the aboveground parking .

at the Somali Mall nothing is defined and nothing is written, the goods displayed outside the stores, bleeding on each other,

Seen (I) where is the place
Cant miss it… surrounded by lots of Somalis a stone through from Lake St.
Seen( II) where to park
Underground, always vacant, most somali shoppers like to park at the crowded Chaotic aboveground, Somali love outdoors.

Somali Mall 3

Seen III where is the shop?
Just look around all shops look the same, seemed to have the same goods,
Seen (IV) where is the owner?
You look for him/her, Somali owners dont stay in their shops… they are usually y socializing with some other owners somewhere. It is hard to know who the owner and wo is the customers,the relationship between seller and buyers unlike here the seller look at all customers as potential friends..

Seen (V) Negotiation, an oral culture, a social activity
_ this is a good jacket, and to do a good job, I need good money
_ how much is a good money
_ $20 (last quote from a Korean Tailor was $60)
_ $20 is fine, when can I get it back
_ tomorrow InShaaAllah …
_ what time tomorrow?
_ just like this time… Maghrab time!
_ , … van I have any receipt
_ a longe stare !!!
_ … thanks..see you tomorrow

Somali Mall

Seen (VI) Picking up the Jacket a few days later
_ may I help you
_ Im here for the Jacket I dropped last week
_ Yes I remember you, I told you to come tomorrow..
_ Sorry I was busy, is it ready
_ yes…looking into a pile of cloths, here it is, try it.. make sure it is fixed
_ looks good thank you, how much did you say it was.. (no receipt)
_ I think I said $25
_ No, I think you siad $15
_ Now, I remember, I said $20… a smile of resignation on his face
_ thank you here it is..
End of the story…

Suuqa Karmel, 2944 Pillsbury Ave S , Minneapolis, Minnesota


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Ahmed Tharwat …. in the middle AhMedia.... احا مديا A media critic, and a media consultant... A show with an accent for those without one! AhMedia احا مديا Ahmed Tharwat/ Host BelAhdan TV show Freelance Writer, Public Speaker, International Media Fixer www.ahmediatv.com