In celebration of our 30th Anniversary, Public Art Saint Paul is bringing the inspiring Mel Chin back to Saint Paul for a rare visit. His visit will inaugurate a new annual visiting artist series.
Continue reading Artist Mel Chin speaks at Public Art ST. Paul 30th Anniversary!
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Hatem (Amr Saad), a moderate young preacher in Cairo, becomes a television celebrity with millions of fans. This makes him a perfect tool for government manipulation on a mass scale, as his eloquence and wit are employed by key figures in the Egyptian state to influence policy and religious practice. However, when the cameras are off, bloody struggles for state power rage, and as Hatem tries to stay out of political and sectarian disputes, his personal and professional life become increasingly consumed by the complex tapestry of Egyptian politics. Based on a novel by the same name, Mawlana by Ibrahim Issa, the story offers a critique of power, corruption, and fundamentalism in Egyptian society. In addition, this dark and convincing film highlights the importance of media in the production of political and religious agendas.
Continue reading My Conversation with Egyptian Filmmaker Magdy Ahmed Ali