Egypt Today..
I just came back from an overdue visit to Egypt, since my last visit, I missed the funerals of three of my brothers. However, when I heard about my nephew’s wedding, I got my passport and ticket ready. Hussein is the twin of Hassan, who was kidnapped from the square during Rabaa’s disburses crackdown in 2013; he has been in prison ever since, Hassan was 17 years old. Hussein’s father died a year ago; Abdraafea would have loved to see his son out of prison and attend Hussein’s wedding. I have been actively campaigning to release my young nephew Hassan for over 10 years, started the Let My Nephew Go petition, calling congressmen and representatives, human rights organizations, and activists to no avail. So, attending Hussein’s wedding was, in a way, a homage to his imprisoned twin brother and his father’s wish.
Continue reading BACK TO TAHRIR SQUARE
Tag: Traveling
How do people in other countries spot an American tourist?
1. Wearing a baseball hat
2. Carrying toilet paper in public.
3. Wears white socks
4. Has white straight teeth
5. Orders coffee to go
6. Always eating
7. Overly friendly
8. Wearing shorts/ flip-flops
9. Only speaks English.
10. Speaks too loud in restaurants
It’s not complicated
Egyptians are resourceful with many problems, they get acquainted and both get coexist with heat, noise, pollution, crowded streets, rationing food, drought, political oppression, corrupt officials, crossing through speeding cars, walking on sidewalks with broken electrical cables. One thing Egyptians can’t deal with is rain. Where life stops and everything from traffic, phones, streets, sewer systems, transportation, work, and electricity.
Continue reading SAVED BY STRANGERS