Top Ten Reactions to the sudden death of Mubarak’s former chief spy, General Omar Suleiman in American hospital!

10. God finally voted with us… (Muslim brotherhood)
9. I didn’t see it coming … (the man behind Omar Suleiman)
8. Sylmaya.. Sylmaya (Obama)
7.Egyptain hospital the way to go (Mubarak)
6. Find the black box… (Mursi)
5. Iron man has finally rested (Suleiman supporters)
4. The self made man meeting his real creator (a libral)
3. what do you means he is dead… (a fulole)
2. Im going back to Egypt … (Shafiq)
and # 1 Reactions to the sudden death of Mubarak’s former chief spy, General Omar Suleiman in American hospital!
1. The SOB planned his own death… one day before Ramadan (Tantawi)
