Dropping his first iPhone6 in a TV interview “like Hansel and Gretel hoping to follow their breadcrumbs out of the forest, the FBI sifted through customer data collected by san Francisco-area grocery stores in 2005 and 2006, hoping that sales records of middle eastern food, would lead to Iranian terrorists.” reported Jeff stein foreign policy magazine, what is next? falafel breath detector at the airport?Trevor Aaronson’s (whom I had on my show) in his book, the Terror Factory, Aaronson poured through the court records of every terrorism- related prosecution in the us in the ten years following 9/11. a staggering list of 508 defendants, according to U.S government, are considered terrorists.. Continue reading Why iPhone users are more likely to join ISIS than those who eat Falafel…
Tag: Apple
BelAhdan with Brett T. Robinson’s new book.. Appletopia
In 2011 by one estimate the most photographed landmark in New York City was not Rockefeller Center or Times Square; it was the Apple Store on Fifth Avenue. The shimmering glass cube is otherworldly. The $7 million structure stands thirty- two feet high and features a glass spiral staircase wrapped around a glass elevator. A glowing Apple logo floats in the center of the cube. Inside the store, there are no shelves or boxes, just wooden tables with Apple’s glowing products on display. Faithful consumers wander the cavernous interior admiring Apple devices in a virtual “cathedral of consumption.”
In his novel Notre-Dame de Paris, Victor Hugo’s archdeacon looks up at the Notre-Dame Cathedral with a book in his hand and says, “This will kill that. The book will kill the edifice.” Hugo explains the archdeacon’s comment this way: