The Ventriloquist Racist Puppet in the White House…!!
On one of my TV shows, the guests were two Pakistani Americans, talking about the controversial of opening a new mosque in North Western Suburbs, after lots of community oppositions, the mosque was finally approved by the city, “The Mosque now is sharing a building with the post office.” The guest explained.
_That is great, now you guys get your hate mails faster, first thing in the morning. I joked, but the guests weren’t laughing, Pakistanis don’t have sense of humor, we all know that. But maybe it wasn’t a joke after all.
As an Arab/Muslim living in America, I start my day by reading the hate mails, mostly from frustrated racists or uninformed bigots, all aske to go back where I came from. One of the most common thread hate message I get, regardless of topics, argument or even tong in cheek pieces or shows, is “ Ahmed the Terrorist”.