The Ventriloquist Racist Puppet in the White House…!!

On one of my TV shows, the guests were two Pakistani Americans, talking about the controversial of opening a new mosque in North Western Suburbs, after lots of community oppositions, the mosque was finally  approved by the city, “The Mosque now is sharing a building with the post office.” The guest explained.
_That is great, now you guys get your hate mails faster, first thing in the morning. I joked, but the guests weren’t laughing, Pakistanis don’t have sense of humor, we all know that. But maybe it wasn’t a joke after all.

As an Arab/Muslim living in America, I start my day by reading the hate mails, mostly from frustrated racists or uninformed bigots, all aske to go back where I came from. One of the most common thread hate message I get, regardless of topics, argument or even tong in cheek pieces or shows, is “ Ahmed the Terrorist”.



Pres. Trump lied, Ilhan Omar Didn’t Say “Al-Qaida Makes Her ‘Proud’ on My TV show ?”


As I was debating whether or not to take Trump “going back to where I came from” Racist traveling advises to go  back to Egypt, A shocking video of Egypt minister of immigration, surfed on the internet, the elSisi appointee threatening to behead any Egyptian lives abroad who speaks ill or criticize Egypt (elSisi). Nabila Makram, was speaking at an event with a group of Egyptians in Canada, when with the calmness of an assassin, mussed …“Anyone who criticizes about Egypt abroad will be cut,” drawing her hands across her own neck, triggering shameful laughter from the selected audience. So I guess I’m stuck here, at least I only get online threats from viewers and not from government official, so far at least . After my BelAhdan,” interview with Ilhan Omar, a few years back (2013). Trump has been exploiting it for his political gains; at a July 17, 2019, rally in North Carolina, Trump accused Ilhan of saying on my show that the terrorist group al-Qaida (Alcaida) makes her “proud.”, “Omar laughed that Americans speak of al-Qaida in a menacing tone and remarked that, ‘You don’t say ‘America’ with this intensity.’ Trump said . You [Omar] say al-Qaida makes you proud. Al-Qaida makes you proud. You don’t speak that way about America.” Which triggered the infamous chant from the crowd “send her back”. Ilhan did not, I was there, I was the host and if you don’t believe me, check with most major media outlets, the Guardian, The Independent, Washington Post, New York Times, Vice,… PBS, CNN, ..etc. short of FoxNews…

Continue reading Pres. Trump lied, Ilhan Omar Didn’t Say “Al-Qaida Makes Her ‘Proud’ on My TV show ?”




At  a middle eastern restaurant in South Minneapolis , The Somali American young man moved to my table set down with his plate, start eating and a conversation,  he asked me in a soft tone,
_ Ahmed Tharwat.. You are Ahmed Tharwat
_.. yes .. I’m ..
_ I read your articles at the StarTribune .. im your facebook friend too.
_ aha.. thanks .. appreciate it, please keep reading
_ .. but I’m a Republican
_ a Republican.. !!!!
_ I don’t trust DFL anymore…they lie to us,
_ do you trust Republicans
_ at least, … they are more honest.. they tell you: We don’t like you, we don’t want you…but they leave alone. I can deal with that.

Why am I risking to sound like Thomas Friedman cab driver writing style, however this may explain the latest filth coming out from Trump’s tweeting potty mouth.

