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    Tweet“The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born. Now is the time of monsters.” Antonio Gramsci Hamas Attacked Israel, Israel attacked Hamas, war on Hamas, Hamas beheading babies; we are going to wipe out Hamas; We are fighting human animals. Screaming headlines of Israeli media, Israeli and American politicians, social media, and the Public relations war machine—no mentions of any context, history of Israeli occupation, apartheid rule, Palestinians’ plight, or history of Palestinian resistance. Israeli attack on Palestinians framed as self-defense against terrorist Hamas. The massive bombing and destruction of 80% of Gaza City, buildings, schools, hospitals, Mosques, churches, roads, lakes, wells, and cemeteries, the…

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    Jewish Jihadists … and Foreign Fighters Dilemma !

    Tweet The Jewish Jihadist ,,, On June 3, 2014 the Star Tribune, covered the issue of “foreign fighters” , that was entirely about Somali American fighters  coined (Lone Solders) allegedly traveled to fight abroad in foreign wars and non of any other Americans who travel elsewhere to fight like Israel. The Strib reported that the FBI is investigating information that members of the Somali community from the Twin Cities are fighting in the Syrian civil war. The article explained that two FBI agents met with a group of Somali-American leaders and members of the community at the Brian Coyle Community Center. Political science employ slightly varied definitions, so there are…


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