The Gaza War and the End of the Myth!!
Myth is a symbolic narrative originating in oral cultures passed on by word of mouth and kept in our memories. They are generated collectively and decimated in our cultures not by one event or an individual. They are national traits that a group of people or nation believe, mostly exaggerated and self-grandiose to keep national coherence and set them apart from the rest—One of the myths that I grew up with back in the days in Egypt is that “Egypt is the mother of the world,” we thought Egypt is in the center of the world. I came to America 40 years ago to find out another myth, America is “The father of the world.” Myths are hard to create and hard to get rid of, even if reality says otherwise.
The Palestinian’s resistance to Israeli genocide for the last 10 months has ended and tested lots of myths that the Israelis, Americans, and the West have enjoyed for years. One of the myths that have been used for years is that the Israeli Army is the most “moral army in the world” . This comes from a military that bragged about killing civilians, and children and raping prisoners, Even before the War on Gaza, the Zionist project worked tirelessly to portray an image of Civilized, democratic, inventive, and above all, moral. The barbaric, horrible images coming from Gaza in the last 10 months of dismembered, burned, and dead Palestinian children and women, corpses under the rubble, Israel has dropped bombs on every inch of Gaza, bombing schools and hospitals and UN safe areas, with a death toll that researchers believe could reach 186,000 Palestinians; all the weapons used were supposed to be “purity weapons” from America. Another myth that the liberal West would like to throw at at us every time Israel masters an assault on the Palestinians. “Israel has the right to defend itself” Billions of dollars of weapons are thrown into that myth. The weapon given to the Israelis is supposed to be for self-defense, not occupation, attacking and destroying cities and unarmed civilians. The American unconditional support for the Israeli aggression throughout the years is based on the concept of the “purity of arms”.: which claims that weapons are pure as long as they are used for defensive purposes. This false moral myth is ingrained in the Western mind and media, think tanks, and pundits on propagated 6 o’clock TV news, it’s taught in Israeli schools and used extensively in the quest for legitimacy. Here is another myth that liberals love, “Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East” The democratic process brought Hitler and Nazim into Germany., as a Palestinian activist explains, democratic for the Jews, and Jewish for the Palestinians. Some myths that are ingrained in the left and even pro-Palestinians, Jewish Lobby, and AIPAC, although they are factors and play an important role in our foreign policy, especially in the Middle East, I always say to my liberal friends, Israel doesn’t control America, it is the other way around. The Zionist project was created as a watchdog for Western interests in the Middle East, first by England, France, and then by the Americans. The main argument from the Zionist founder Theodor Herzl is that Israel would protect Western civilization against the barbaric, backward, Arabs and Muslims, a myth that Netanyahu used recently before Congress, and he got a standing ovation for that. Another myth that is being pushed by the Zionist propaganda machine is, that the Holocaust is a Jewish tragedy that only happened to the Jews and that Hitler was pure evil. Polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman explained in his brilliant book, Modernity and the Holocaust, if it wasn’t for Western modernity there wouldn’t be a Holocaust on that scale. Most of the atrocities committed in history were committed by normal people who followed the law he added. The Holocaust Industry complex made sure you won’t forget Jewish victimization; the West went and promoted these Zionist myths to cover the exterminated millions of blacks in Africa and Asia. Myth is just a myth, so have you hugged your myth today?
Producer/Host of the Arab American TV Show BelAhdan
As how with an accent for those without one!!
Minnetonka, MN
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Working g on his documentary,
The Coptic Grave